Bulletin Board
November 2012

“Bulletin Board,” Friend, Nov. 2012, 12–13

Bulletin Board

Journal Junction

Each month this year you can write a little bit of your own history in your journal. This month write about what you look like. What color are your hair and eyes? How tall are you? Do you have freckles? Do you wear glasses? If you want, tape or glue a photo of you to your journal page, or draw a picture of yourself.

Missionaries by the Numbers

50,000 missionaries who teach the gospel around the world

350 missions around the world

24,000 missionaries who go through the missionary training center in Provo, Utah, in a year

500 young people who leave on their missions every week

15 missionary training centers

Good Word

This month’s good word is symbol. A symbol is something that stands for or reminds us of something else. Look on page 15 to find out what symbol Jesus used when He taught about the Good Shepherd.

Fruit S’mores

Break a whole graham cracker in half so you have two squares. Spread cream cheese on one square and place slices or small pieces of fruit on the cream cheese. Try blueberries, bananas, strawberries, or another favorite fruit. Put the second cracker square on top of the fruit and press gently. Enjoy your fruit s’more!

Missionary Moments

Even though you won’t serve a full-time mission until you are older, you can do things now to be a missionary. Here are some things children like you have done to share the gospel.

I invited my teacher from school to my Primary program, and she said she wouldn’t be able to go because she would be traveling. But she wanted to hear what I had been working on in church all year. She asked me if I would stand in front of the class to give my speaking part and sing some of my Primary songs. I was very nervous, but I didn’t want to let my teacher down. I sang a verse of “Follow the Prophet.” One of my friends in my class from another ward joined me, and we sang a second verse together. Then another friend got brave and joined us for a third verse. The class clapped, and my teacher was proud of us. I was glad I had the courage to do it!

Sophia L., age 6, Massachusetts

In the April 2011 general conference, President Monson asked the members of the Church to make a contribution to the Church’s General Missionary Fund if they could. We collected aluminum cans for many months and then turned in the cans for recycling. We gave the money we received from recycling the cans to the General Missionary Fund. We each look forward to serving a mission one day. Our family loves to follow the prophet.

Rebecca, Wyatt, and Sarah W., ages 11, 8, and 9, Idaho

Gratitude Bookmark

Cut out this bookmark and glue it onto heavy paper. Put it in your scriptures. When you read your scriptures, you can write something on the bookmark that you are grateful for.

Illustrations by Brad Teare
