“Canadian Kids Care!” Friend, Nov. 2012, 24–25
Canadian Kids Care!
When the Friend visited eastern Canada, we found out that …
They Care about Scriptures
The children of the Charlottetown Branch on Prince Edward Island add links to a paper chain when they read their scriptures. In the picture below, they are spelling out “P.E.I.” for Prince Edward Island, surrounded by their giant chain.
“It helps us learn good things,” said Nikalaus N., age 4. To earn his links on the chain, Nikalaus and his parents started reading and repeating an article of faith before bedtime each night. He has memorized the first nine articles of faith, and now his family has started reading Book of Mormon Stories together too.
They Care about Getting Involved
Fireworks, parades, races, and huge birthday cakes are all part of a holiday celebrating the founding of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Every year many Primary children from the area get actively involved by running in the two-mile (3.2 km) or six-mile (9.7 km) races. It’s a fun time to share with family and friends from church—and to make new friends from the community.
They Care about Helping
Children from the Dartmouth Nova Scotia Stake got together to make warm, soft pillowcases for children in a local hospital. “It helped us think about how they feel,” said Ben S., age 11.
Using stencils, fabric pens, and sewing machines, everyone worked hard designing and decorating their gifts of love. “I feel happy that we are caring about others and not just about ourselves,” said Cora C., age 10.
They Care about Standing Tall
The children of the Greenwood Branch stand tall by showing love to others and setting good examples.
“I told my friend she should stop ‘dating.’ She did, and now she comes to activity day.”
Anna W., age 10
“People were walking away from a girl at school. I saw she was sad, so I talked to her.”
Kaylee C., age 10
“When I take a ball to school to play four square, I look for people who aren’t playing and invite them to play.”
Kimball W., age 9
They Care about Serving
After Jeongmin K., age 11, started taking piano lessons, she wanted to learn “I Am a Child of God” along with her regular pieces. She kept adding Primary songs one by one. Then one day in Primary there was no pianist, and Jeongmin was ready to serve. She also played “If I Listen with My Heart” in the Primary sacrament meeting presentation. “When I’m playing in front of people, I imagine I’m at home and my family is there,” she says. Someday Jeongmin wants to be an organist and a piano teacher—as well as a chef, a designer, and a photographer.
When the children’s branch president had a serious accident, they prayed for him and made him a big “I love you” banner. Their faith and love helped him as he recovered.
Photographs by Marissa Widdison; courtesy of the Charlottetown Branch