I Can Say I’m Sorry
November 2012

“I Can Say I’m Sorry,” Friend, Nov. 2012, 32–33

I Can Say I’m Sorry

  • When I say an unkind word, I can say I’m sorry.

    I’m sorry I yelled at you. I’ll try not to do it again.

    That’s OK. Would you like to play?

  • When I break something, I can say I’m sorry.

    I’m sorry I broke your toy car. Would you like to play with mine?

    Thanks! Let’s play together.

  • When I forget to do my chores, I can say I’m sorry.

    Did you remember to clean your room?

    I’m sorry, Mom. I forgot. I’ll do it right now.

  • When I take something that isn’t mine, I can say I’m sorry.

    I used your crayons without asking. Here they are. I’m sorry. Will you forgive me?

    Yes, I will. Thanks for returning them.

  • When I make a mess, I can say I’m sorry.

    Dad, I’m sorry I spilled. Will you please help me clean it up?

    Of course. Thank you for telling me right away.

Illustrations by Eric Barclay

I’m sorry I knocked over you block tower, Matt.

That’s OK. Now we can build a taller one together!
