A Day in the Life of a Missionary
November 2012

“A Day in the Life of a Missionary,” Friend, Nov. 2012, 46–47

A Day in the Life of a Missionary

Hello! We’re missionaries. We have a special calling to help Heavenly Father’s children understand who He is and how we can return to live with Him. We’re called “full-time” missionaries because every day our time is full of missionary work.

When the alarm goes off at 6:30 a.m., we kneel next to our beds and pray to Heavenly Father.

Then we exercise! Sometimes we stretch or jump rope.

Then it’s time to clean up, get dressed, and eat breakfast.

At 8:00 we’re ready to study. We study the scriptures, Preach My Gospel, and sometimes another language. It’s like going to school, but the Holy Ghost is our teacher.

There are a lot of things we need to do today. Help us plan our day and you’ll discover what Heavenly Father gives us for protection.

  • armor of God

Illustrations by Lance Fry
