I Hope They Call Me on a Mission
January 2013

“I Hope They Call Me on a Mission,” Friend, Jan. 2013, 11

I Hope They Call Me on a Mission

Be better prepared for tomorrow by learning these skills today.

Setting Goals

While many people set goals at the beginning of a new year, you can set goals any time. Here’s how.

  1. Decide. Prayerfully think about what you could do to change your life in good ways. Keep your goals simple. You can check your Faith in God booklet for some goal ideas.

  2. Write. Once you decide on a goal, write down how you are going to accomplish it. Put your written goal in a place where you will see it often.

  3. Track. Keep track of the progress you make toward reaching your goal. You might create a chart or mark a calendar. If you set a goal as a family, you could set aside time in family home evening to report on the progress you make each week.

  4. Stick with it. Don’t give up, even if achieving your goal is harder than you expected. And remember to keep praying for Heavenly Father’s help and thank Him for helping you.

Ruler by Mark Robison; illustrations by Celeste Smith; President Monson by Dan Burr
