Katie V. from Florida
April 2013

“Katie V. from Florida,” Friend, Apr. 2013, 18–19

Friends Around the World

Katie V. from Florida

Do you know what the word “courage” means? It means you don’t give up when situations are hard or painful. Everyone can have courage, including children like you! Katie V., from Florida, was born with Down syndrome and has had lots of health problems. But because of Katie’s courage, she has had a lot of good experiences too.

I had to have surgery near my vocal chords. But guess what? I still learned to sing! I also learned to read, even though some people thought I might not be able to. What are some things you like to do?

I love my family so much. And I know Heavenly Father loves me.

When I was little, it was hard for me to walk and talk. Doctors were afraid I might not be able to move very much. But over time, I learned to dance. Now I love dancing with my friends!

To get ready for the Primary program, I learned the songs and memorized my part. But when it was my turn to speak into the microphone, I was scared by all of the people watching me. My Primary teachers tried to help me, but I was still too scared to say anything. Then my dad came up and held my hand. I didn’t feel scared anymore, and I said my part just right. That must be like how Heavenly Father helps all of us.

Katie’s Favorites


“I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus”

“Scripture Power”


Breakfast foods, like scrambled eggs and waffles

Ice cream




Playing with babies

Playing with my best friend, Nadia, who lives next door

Photographs courtesy of the family
