Family Home Evening in Seven Easy Steps
September 2013

“Family Home Evening in Seven Easy Steps,” Friend, Sept. 2013, 45

Family Home Evening in Seven Easy Steps

Imagine how hard it would be to reach the second story of a building without stairs or an elevator. Would you try to jump? That’s 10 feet or higher! Most professional basketball players can’t even jump three feet.

Planning a family home evening lesson may seem intimidating at first—sort of like trying to jump 10 feet straight up in the air. But if you take it one step at a time, like Thomas did, it’s a cinch.

Preparing your lesson

  1. Pray to Heavenly Father to help you prepare your lesson.

  2. Choose a topic, and find a scripture or two about that topic.

  3. Look for a spiritual story about your topic. Jesus taught people by using stories to help them understand. The scriptures and Church magazines are full of stories. And you can always tell a story from your own life.

  4. Gather any extra materials for your lesson. Maybe you want to share a picture or bring a small object that relates to your topic.

Giving your lesson

  1. When giving your lesson, ask your family a few questions. Lessons work better when everybody gets a chance to share their thoughts.

  2. Keep it short and simple. Three to five minutes is a good length.

  3. At the end of the lesson, bear your testimony about what you’ve been sharing.
