Show and Tell
January 2014

“Show and Tell,” Friend, Jan. 2014, 38–39

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

The girls in the activity days group of the Sand Creek Ward, Fountain Colorado Stake, wanted to learn to sew. They found a perfect way to learn and to give service. They spent two activities making dolls and then took them to the local police station. Now the policemen can give the dolls to children in need. The girls enjoyed the opportunity to serve.

My baptism day was a very important day in my life. My father baptized me. Many members of my ward and my friends came. My grandparents also came. When I was baptized I felt happy and knew it was the right choice. I felt peace when I received the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Jay R., age 8, West Java, Indonesia

Colt K., age 3, Texas, USA, is happy to go to Primary with his big sister. He especially likes bringing his own Book of Mormon.

Heavenly Father’s Plan

I am a child of God, and He has a plan for me:

The plan of salvation, the plan of love, the plan of family,

The plan of faith, the plan to get baptized, the plan to get married someday.

He has a plan for everyone and will guide us along the way.

Laynie A., age 8, Utah, USA

Sydney W., age 12, Utah, USA, just joined Young Women. The things she learned in Primary helped increase her testimony of the gospel.

I like to help my mom with family home evening. Our family wants to go to the temple so we can be together forever. When I grow up, I want to serve a mission.

Keydi P., age 12, Honduras

Ever since I was little, my mother and father have taught me about the temple. It is far away, but I love going there with my family. When I was sealed to my parents, I was finally able to go inside—it is very beautiful. Now when we go, I stay outside to wait. When I am older, I will make covenants in the temple.

David V., age 6, Nicaragua

Mackenzie and Zachary B., ages 9 and 7, Alberta, Canada, went to the open house for the Calgary Alberta Temple, and then they built their own temple out of building blocks. They felt the Spirit at the open house. The temple helps them feel closer to Heavenly Father.

My friend Brinly has been the best example of what a true friend really is. When I started first grade, I cried every day. I did not like being away from my mom. Brinly was there for me every day. One morning my mom and I had just finished praying when there was a knock at the door. It was Brinly! I think Heavenly Father told her to come. She walked me to the bus, telling me it would be OK. I’m so grateful Heavenly Father has given me a great friend who can be at school with me.

Jada W. with Brinly H., both age 6, Utah, USA

Ryli A., age 8, California, USA

Abigail A., age 8, Spain

Joshua K., age 6, Utah, USA

Makenna R., age 9, Texas, USA

Đ. Văn Hiêp, age 11, Cambodia

James O., age 8, Ohio, USA
