Feeling Better
February 2014

“Feeling Better,” Friend, Feb. 2014, 36–37

Feeling Better

The author lives in Massachusetts, USA.

“I’m trying to love my neighbor; I’m learning to serve my friends” (Children’s Songbook, 78–79).

Feeling Better

Laura was having a lot of fun at the Primary activity. She liked being with her Primary friends.

But then Tyler came up to her and said, “Your dad is ugly. He wears glasses.”

Laura frowned and didn’t say anything.

“My brother said your dad is bad at basketball,” Tyler said. “He’s a geek!”

Laura felt tears coming to her eyes, so she ran out into the hall. She sat down, wrapped her arms around her knees, and cried.

Why was Tyler being so mean? she thought.

Laura looked up to see Sister Morris walking toward her.

“What’s the matter, Laura?” Sister Morris asked.

Laura took a deep breath and told Sister Morris what had happened. Sister Morris frowned.

“That was not very nice of Tyler to say those things,” Sister Morris said. “I will talk to him about treating others kindly.” She gave Laura a hug and held out a cookie. “Would you like a treat?” she asked.

Laura shook her head and wiped away her tears. “No, thanks.”

“How about if you come back to the activity and find someone else who would like a cookie?” Sister Morris said. She handed Laura the cookie.

Laura followed Sister Morris back to the Primary room. She liked to make other people happy. Laura looked around. She wondered who would want the cookie. Whitney, a new girl in Primary, was standing by the wall. She looked a little nervous.

Laura walked over to Whitney and held out the cookie.

“This is for you,” she said.

Whitney took the cookie and gave Laura a big smile.

Laura smiled back. Her tears were all gone. She felt much better.
