I’m Arina from Russia
February 2014

“I’m Arina from Russia,” Friend, Feb. 2014, 14–15

Friends around the World

I’m Arina from Russia

Privet, droog!*

Arina from Russia

Do you like to share your testimony with others? Maybe you share it in church. Or maybe you share it with your family, friends, and teachers by being a good example. This is Arina from Kazan, Russia, and she is seven years old. She wants you to know a little more about her and about the many ways she knows the Church is true.

Before I go to sleep, I read my scriptures with my mom. My favorite story is in 1 Nephi when Lehi left Jerusalem with his family. Reading the scriptures, saying my prayers, and bearing my testimony help me get ready to be baptized.

I love to perform on stage. I must get this from my mom, because she is a professional opera singer. I like to sing and play the violin.

I have many chances to talk about the gospel with others. I invite my friends to come to Primary with me. A while ago I taught my great-grandmother how we bless the food. Now we pray together over meals.

I have a fun life in Russia. When it’s warm outside, my mom and I swim in the Volga River and walk in the park near our house. When it’s cold in the wintertime, we like to ice skate. We also like to see the animals perform at the circus and watch the puppet performances at the doll theater.

I Love to See the Temple

At least once a year, my mom and I travel to the Kyiv Ukraine Temple. We ride a train to get there, and the trip usually takes us two days. We have fun looking at the many cities and farmlands that we pass. I love to visit the temple.

  • “Hi, friend!” in Russian.
