Dear Parents and Teachers
April 2014

“Dear Parents and Teachers,” Friend, Apr. 2014, back cover

Dear Parents and Teachers,

Dear Parents and Teachers

Easter gives us a wonderful chance to teach children about the Savior. This month has a message and activity about Christ (page 2), instructions for making Easter kites (page 26), an Easter countdown (page 24), and a story about a girl testifying of the Resurrection after her friend dies (page 46). You can also visit friend.lds.org to watch a beautiful video about the characteristics of Christ.

He lives!

The Friend

Family Home Evening Ideas

Callings: Read “Making Music in Uganda” (page 44) and talk about what it means to serve in a Church calling. Share positive experiences you’ve had serving in the Church. As a family, come up with ideas for ways you can strengthen your ward or branch. For more about serving in callings, visit lds.org/go/FRCallings.

The Family is Central to God’s Plan: You can learn about this month’s Primary sharing time theme on page 42. You’ll find a short lesson, a scripture, and ideas for talking with your children.

Be a Good Friend: Take the quiz on page 19 as a family. Read “My Brother Hyrum” (page 36) and talk about ways you can include others, especially those who are different from you. Be sure to check out a video about Hyrum online at friend.lds.org.

Far-Away Family Members: Read “Brave Enough” (page 4) and talk about what you can do to show love for family members who live far away. Make the snack on page 6 and use the activity to make stationery and mail uplifting letters.
