Dear Parents and Teachers
June 2014

“Dear Parents and Teachers,” Friend, June 2014, back cover

Dear Parents and Teachers,

Dear Parents and Teachers

This month, children will be learning about priesthood ordinances in sharing time. We’ve included a story and activity to help children understand what the priesthood is and how these ordinances bless their lives. For more about the priesthood and the plan of salvation, women, and Church organization, check out lds.org/go/FRPriesthood.

Happy teaching!

The Friend

Family Home Evening Ideas

The Power of Love: The Lord commanded us to love each other. Read President Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s message about love on page 2 and do the activities that go with it. Talk about ways you can show more love in your family and everywhere you go.

Celebrate Fathers: In “My Dad, My Friend” (page 8), Patrick goes on a trip with his dad. What fun things have you done with your dad, grandpa, or another special person? You can write about these memories on page 10 and give it as a gift.

Family History: Learn more about your family history. Read “Great-Grandma Grish” (page 4) and interview someone using the questions on page 6. Find the song “Family History—I Am Doing It” on page 19.

Write Your Own Story: The Friend wants to hear from you! Talk about experiences you have had living the gospel, being an example, choosing the right, or showing kindness. Turn to page 27 and read the guidelines, and then write your stories and send them to us!
