Living the Teachings of Jesus Christ Strengthens Me and My Family
November 2014

“Living the Teachings of Jesus Christ Strengthens Me and My Family,” Friend, Nov. 2014, 42–43

Bringing Primary Home

Living the Teachings of Jesus Christ Strengthens Me and My Family

Learn more about this month’s Primary theme!

Bringing Primary Home

When Jesus Christ was on the earth, He taught many wonderful things. He taught about being kind when He healed people who were sick. He taught about forgiving when He ate dinner at a Pharisee’s house. He taught about faith when He walked on water. He taught about love when He gathered children around Him. He taught about service when He washed His disciples’ feet.

You can be like Jesus by doing the things He taught. You can be kind and look for the good in others. You can be polite. You can say, “I’m sorry.” In these small ways you can make a difference in your family. Living the teachings of Jesus can help make you and others happy. By following His example, you can help strengthen your family.

Jesus said that we should never be tired of doing good because great things grow from small things. Strengthening your family is a great thing!
