Show and Tell: Conference Edition
November 2014

“Show and Tell: Conference Edition,” Friend, Nov. 2014, 16–17

Show and Tell

Conference edition!

Show and Tell: Conference Edition

My favorite part was when President Monson said that it’s less important that you walk where Jesus walked, but it’s very important that you walk as He walked. I loved when he said that. It means to follow Jesus’s example. I want to walk like Jesus.

Alise N., age 9, Sweden

Iliked Elder Kacher’s talk. He talked about how there are many currents in this world and not all of them are good. Bad currents pull us away from our loving Heavenly Father. Elder Kacher told how he was converted and followed a new current. If you understand the gospel, you will know which currents to follow.

Charlie T., age 10, Maryland, USA

My favorite talk at conference was by Elder Scott. He talked about the tools Heavenly Father has given us to help us exercise faith, like prayer, scripture study, family home evening, and going to the temple. I like when my family has family home evening because we get to spend time together and learn about Jesus. I know my family loves me when they make time for family home evening.

Haley H., age 8, Idaho, USA

My favorite conference talk was by Sister McConkie. She told the story of when Elijah went to the widow’s home and asked for bread. The widow gave Elijah her last bread, and afterwards found that she was blessed with food and drink for many days. This has taught me to trust the Lord and His prophets.

Isobel P., age 8, England

It is neat that we got to listen to the prophet from our home in Guyana. We especially liked hearing the General Authorities speak in their native languages. It’s really good that the gospel is spreading around the world! Did you know that the church has been in Guyana for about 25 years?

Rose and Simon T., ages 6 and 5, Guyana

My favorite thing about conference is building a tent and watching in our family room. I love conference because it makes me a better boy.

Owen W. with his brother, Isaac, both age 4, Republic of Ireland

When President Monson spoke, I told my mom that I felt the Spirit.

Adriana H., age 4, North Carolina, USA

Nathan, Bowman, Andrew, Audrey, and Claire F., ages 4, 12, 10, 2, and 6, Texas, USA, love watching general conference. At the beginning of each talk, they paste a picture on their “conference wall” of the Church leader who is speaking. At the end of the talk, they write a sentence about the message that was shared. By the end of conference, they have a whole wall to remind them of the wonderful things they learned!

Brynn and Ellie T., ages 5 and 3, Arizona, USA, liked watching conference while they colored in their tent by the TV. Listening to conference made them happy!

Katelyn B., age 9, Utah, USA, drew this picture of Sister Stevens while watching the general women’s meeting.
