The New Adventures of Matt and Mandy
November 2014

“The New Adventures of Matt and Mandy,” Friend, Nov. 2014, 40

The New Adventures of Matt & Mandy

Matt and Mandy

Do you want to hang out at my house after school?

Yeah. What do you wanna do?

Just hang out, I guess. Why? What do you wanna do?

Well, don’t you think doing stuff is a lot more fun than not doing stuff?

Like what?

Well, after school I like to have a snack.

Then I like to shoot hoops for a while.

Or ride my bike.

Or work on my rock collection.

Or read for fun.

Then I try to get my homework done before dinner so I don’t have it on my back all night. My dad calls it the homework monkey.

Hey, we could work on that assignment together, if you want.

Cool. How about we go to your house?
