When I Grow Up … I Want to Be an Author
November 2014

“When I Grow Up … I Want to Be an Author,” Friend, Nov. 2014, 30

When I Grow Up …

I Want to Be an Author

From an interview by Linda Davies

My name is Jessica Day George, and I’m an author.

When I Grow Up … I Want to Be an Author

What do you do in your job?

I have the best job in the world! Every day I get to make up stories. When you’re an author, you can write about whatever you want. Some of my books are for kids, and some are for teenagers, and all of them are fun for the right sort of grown up. The important thing is to write a book that you would want to read.

What do you like best about your job?

One of the things I love is that writing tells you why. Why did the 12 princesses dance until their shoes wore out? Why are dragons so cool? It’s like telling a friend about an amazing dream you had, only instead of just one friend, you get to share that dream with friends all over the world!

What did you have to learn to do this job?

The most important thing a writer needs to know is how to write, and you learn to write by reading. You soak in ideas, you see how characters talk to each other, and you understand how to tell a story. Then you have to write every day to keep those writing muscles strong. When you read and read and write and write, you become a stronger writer.

How does your job serve others?

I love the characters in my books. When I think about them, I give them noble, inspiring qualities. That makes the story uplifting to my readers. And because the gospel is part of my life, I could never write any other way.

I used to think that if I sat in my room, writing, I couldn’t share the gospel through my work. But as an author, I travel all over to talk about my books. When my readers find out I live in Utah, they always ask, “Are you a Mormon?” I always say an enthusiastic “YES!” As an author, I have a great opportunity to be a member missionary!
