Dear Parents and Teachers
March 2015

“Dear Parents and Teachers,” Friend, Mar. 2015, back cover

Dear Parents and Teachers,

Dear Parents and Teachers

Sometimes it’s hard for children to know when to talk to adults about something that is worrying them. And sometimes it may be hard for adults to start a conversation too! Consider reading the story “Telling Secrets” (page 44) with your children and talking through the tips on page 46. Encouraging open communication is one way we can protect our children.

Safe sharing,

The Friend

Primary Connection

Look for the colored diamonds on the table of contents to find stories and activities support Primary this month!

Find more teaching resources at lessonhelps.lds.org.

Family Home Evening Ideas

Easter: Do the activity “Getting Ready for Easter” (page 24) as a family. Talk about how the Savior’s sacrifice has blessed your family. Or sing “I Know That My Savior Loves Me” (page 30) and talk about what the words teach about Christ. Watch the video “Because He Lives” at HeLives.mormon.org.

Family Fun Time: Read “Calvin’s Awesome Space Jet” (page 4). Use “Family Fun Time” (page 6) for an activity to talk about how to forgive others. Then make the fun recipe!

Good Media Choices: How can your family choose good media? Read “TV Trouble” (page 18) together. Make a plan for what to do when a bad TV, movie, or song comes on. Act out example situations and practice choosing the right.

Getting Ready for Conference: Read the message from Elder Hales about why conference is important (page 20). Make a plan to watch or listen to as many sessions as you can. Turn to page 17 to find a fun recipe and an activity to do while you listen. Cut out the conference quote cards on page 47 and make your own!
