The Wise Man and the Foolish Man
March 2015

“The Wise Man and the Foolish Man,” Friend, Mar. 2015, 40–41

Scripture Time

The Wise Man and the Foolish Man

Learn about the New Testament together this year!

The Wise Man and the Foolish Man

One day Jesus wanted to teach people how to stay strong even when hard things happen. He told them a story about a big storm, a wise man, and a foolish man. When the storm came, the wise man’s house did not fall down because it was built on a rock. But the foolish man’s house fell down because it was built on sand.

Jesus was teaching how important it is to have faith in Him and follow His teachings. When we build a strong testimony, we will be strong enough to stand, no matter what hard things might happen.

Rock or Sand?

Write choices like the ones below on strips of paper. Take turns choosing and reading them aloud. Talk about why doing each one would be like building a house on rock or sand. How can listening to prophets help us follow Jesus’s teachings and make wise choices?

  • Reading scriptures together

  • Taking a dare

  • Going to church

  • Blaming a mistake on someone else

  • Doing your homework

  • Showing respect for others

  • Telling the truth

  • Staying quiet while someone is being bullied

  • Listening to general conference

  • Cheating on schoolwork

  • Including someone who is new

  • Using bad words

  • Playing a game with a sister or brother

  • Sharing with others

  • Spending many hours on computer games

  • Taking something that isn’t yours

  • Praying every morning and night

  • Including someone who is left out

Rock Art

Choose a smooth rock. With a marker or paint, write “Jesus Christ” on it. Talk about why it’s so important to build our lives on His teachings. Keep the rock in a place where you can see it often.