Courage and Clubs
April 2015

“Courage and Clubs,” Friend, Apr. 2015, 11

Courage and Clubs

My friends called me a scaredy-cat, but I wanted to choose the right.

Courage and Clubs

The Bible says, “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15). Sometimes it seems hard to keep the commandments because the people around us may not believe the same things we do.

Last week I needed to make a choice about obeying Jesus. Some of my friends were making a club. They asked me if I wanted to be in the club. At first I wanted to, but then they told me that I had to say a bad word to join the club. I told them I didn’t say those words. One of my friends said I was a scaredy-cat, but I still didn’t say it. I decided to go play with my other friends. It felt good to obey my Savior and choose the right. I love Jesus, and I want to be like Him.
