Show and Tell
April 2015

“Show and Tell,” Friend, Apr. 2015, 26–27

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

Emma and Sophie C., both age 5, Idaho, USA, might look the same, but they are very different. Emma likes princesses and rainbows. Sophie likes superheroes and dinosaurs. One way they are the same is that they both love going to Primary every Sunday.

On Mother’s Day my neighbor Shirley was really sad because her son died a while back. She didn’t go to her church that day. I had an idea. I gave Shirley a Book of Mormon and wrote her a note. My mom gave her chocolate-covered almonds. When I gave it to her, my heart felt warm.

Lucia D., age 8, California, USA

After I earned my black belt in tae kwan do, I went to a special ceremony for all the new black belts. Before it started, my instructor told us what we would do during the ceremony, which included drinking tea. I knew Heavenly Father said not to drink tea. I explained to my instructor why I could not drink tea. He let me drink water instead. My mother said she was proud of me for honoring my baptismal covenants and sharing my beliefs. I know following Heavenly Father’s commandments will always make me happy.

Joseph R., age 10, Texas, USA

When I was six years old, my family moved to California for my dad’s new job. I had not made any new friends in my new city. After a few weeks, my family went out and delivered some of my dad’s special homemade bread to our new neighbors. It made me feel good inside. I knew that special feeling was the Holy Ghost. It made me feel like the Holy Ghost was saying, “Hailey, you were very brave to move to California, and you will make friends!”

Hailey B., age 7, California, USA

I have anxiety, which is when you get very nervous. It is not fun to have! On the other hand, I am kind of glad to have it because it helps me grow stronger in faith, prayer, and testimony. Heavenly Father helps me through hard times to overcome my anxiety.

Annalise D., age 10, Texas, USA

Helping Hands

I babysat my little brothers.

Matthew W., age 9, Utah, USA

I help pass out the sacrament program.

Jayden S., age 5, Hawaii, USA

I helped mow the lawn.

Luke H., age 4, Utah, USA

I did the laundry for my mom.

Jared Y., age 11, Hawaii, USA

I helped my mom with dishes.

Shad J., age 5, Arizona, USA

I watched my brother when my mom was doing a project.

Emma B., age 8, Iowa, USA

I helped my sister, Lili, clean up her puzzle.

Seva M., age 5, Georgia USA

I helped my mom make coconut cookies.

Naomi H., age 6, Utah, USA

I earned money for the missionaries.

Nicole F., age 10, Utah, USA

I was extra nice to a new girl in school, and we became best friends.

Georgia K., age 9, Connecticut, USA
