Be a Shining Light!
November 2015

“Be a Shining Light!” Friend, Nov. 2015, 2

A Message from the Prophet

Be a Shining Light!

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said:

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5:16).

Five Ways to Shine

The Apostle Paul listed some ways we can become examples so our lights will shine:

In word and conversation—Let us speak with respect, keeping our language clean and avoiding words that would wound or offend.

In charity—We can help people who are lonely, ill, or discouraged and lift their spirits.

In spirit—We strive to be kind, grateful, and forgiving.

In faith—We trust in the Lord and His word.

In purity—We are clean in body, mind, and spirit.

How We Stand Out

Opportunities to shine surround us each day. As the world moves further away from Heavenly Father’s commandments, we will stand out because:

We dress modestly.

We do not use profanity.

We do not partake of harmful substances.

We make media choices that keep the Spirit in our homes and our lives.

To each of you I say that you are a son or daughter of our Heavenly Father. You have come from His presence to live on this earth for a season, to reflect the Savior’s love and teachings, and to bravely let your light shine for all to see!

Be a Shining Light!
