Thanks for Your Helping Hands!
November 2015

“Thanks for Your Helping Hands!” Friend, Nov. 2015, 24–27

Thanks for Your Helping Hands!

Thanks for your great examples of serving like the Savior did! We read all 30,000+ hands and loved each one!

Turn the page to see just a few of the thousands of helping hands we received from all over the world!

Ava, Claire, Luke, and Reuben S., ages 7, 5, 3, and 1, Alberta, Canada, wave to elderly neighbors, play with their siblings, and share their special bandages when their brother gets hurt.

When one of her friends got cancer, Kastyn B., age 9, Colorado, USA, and her friends made crafts and sold them to raise money for cancer research. They also gave him a subscription to the Friend!

Jonathan, Ewan, and Matthias L., ages 8, 9, and 7, Mississippi, USA, helped paint park benches and sent a card to an older lady in their ward.

The West Point Branch, New York, USA, made a goal to collect 1,000 helping hands—they got 1,229! They celebrated by writing letters and drawing pictures for missionaries.

The Primaries in the Bethesda and Potomac Wards, Washington, D.C., USA, learned how they can follow Jesus by serving their family and friends.

Primary children from the Kyiv Ukraine International Branch Primary learned about serving others. They are good examples of having helping hands!

During general conference, your helping hands were on display in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. You can watch “We Are His Hands,” a video about the display at friend.lds.org!

Thanks for Your Helping Hands!
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