Happy Sabbath: Keep a Record
September 2016

“Happy Sabbath: Keep a Record,” Friend, September 2016, 16

Happy Sabbath

Keep a Record

Happy Sabbath

When Jesus came to visit the Nephites, He told them to keep a record, or write about, the words they heard the prophet say and the miracles they saw (see 3 Nephi 23:7–13). Prophets today still encourage us to keep journals. You can start one of your own, or your family could add to a journal every Sunday. Here are a few ideas for things to write about.

  • My name:

  • Today’s date:

  • Today, I …

  • Right now I am thankful for …

  • When I pray, I feel …

  • It’s hard for me to …

  • I like learning about …

  • A scripture that helped me is …

  • Something fun that happened to me this week …

  • Today at church I learned that …
