Shining Stars
September 2016

“Shining Stars,” Friend, September 2016, 24–25

Shining Stars

“Every star is different, and so is every child. … Every one is needed for just what he can do. You’re the only person who ever can be you” (Children’s Songbook, 142).

These children are shining stars! How do you shine?

Shining Stars

Ta Ree, age 7

Ta Ree was born in a refugee camp in Thailand. Her parents had to flee to Thailand from their home in Myanmar (Burma), a country in Southeast Asia. When she was little, Ta Ree’s family moved to the United States.

Ta Ree’s family speaks a language called Karenni. Ta Ree learned to speak English too in just six months when she was in kindergarten! She always does her homework and loves to learn about new things, especially math.

Ta Ree likes rice, noodles, peanut butter sandwiches, and ice cream. She loves to play on the monkey bars. She says, “I play with my family, mostly my little sister. We play hide-and-seek and tag.”

She is excited to be baptized by her older brother, Bo Reh, when she turns eight.

Tyler B., age 10

Tyler likes to jump on the trampoline, play sports, and build things with blocks, especially helicopters. He enjoys biking and hiking. One day he hiked 13 miles! Tyler helps serve lunch at school. He gets to eat a lot of food that way!

When Tyler was four, he loved listening to the piano and wanted to start taking lessons. As soon as he grew tall enough for his feet to reach the pedals, he started playing the organ. He loves it!

Tyler wakes up at 5:30 every morning so he can play the organ at the Church building before school. Once Tyler got to play “We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet” on the Tabernacle organ on Temple Square.

Tyler also plays the prelude music for sacrament meeting. He says, “Playing music makes me happy because when I go on my mission, I’ll be able to play.”

Maaziah B., age 7

Maaziah loves soccer! He is the team captain. He tries to be a good example and have a good attitude. “I say a prayer before every soccer game,” he said. “I pray that the players will be protected. I know Jesus helps me.”

Maaziah used to not like math because it was hard for him to understand. Then he started using a math computer game every day. Now he understands and loves math!

He really loves family home evening. One time Maaziah’s godfather (a close family friend) came over for family home evening. They had one minute to write down all the ways Jesus has blessed them.

Maaziah says, “I try to follow Jesus’s example by helping people.” One time he helped a boy at school who was struggling with homework. Maaziah lives with his mom and grandma, and he always tries to help them too.

Ashby B., age 11

Ashby likes to rock climb, wake board, and play basket-ball and soccer. She makes coin purses and jewelry. She loves music and her family.

Last year Ashby found out she has Type 1 Diabetes. This affects how her body uses glucose, a sugar that gives the body energy. She says, “I prayed to Heavenly Father, and I asked that I would be able to understand this trial.”

Ashby loves to help. Once she donated toys to children in hospitals. “I felt happy I was helping the Lord’s children feel loved.”

Before her baptism Ashby read the Book of Mormon. She prayed about it and felt great. Ashby shared her testimony in stake conference. She says, “I invited two of my teachers that day, and now I feel more confident speaking in front of people and being a missionary.”
