Show and Tell
September 2016

“Show and Tell,” Friend, September 2016, 28–29

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

The members of the Valiant 11 Primary class, Bellbird Park Ward Primary, Centenary Australia Stake, want to serve Heavenly Father and be friends with each another. They went to the Brisbane Australia Temple together.

Primary children from the Aberystwyth Branch, Merthyr Tydfil Wales Stake, enjoy meeting together on Sundays and for Primary activities.

I wanted to share the gospel with my friend, so I gave him a pass-along card on the bus. I told him about Heavenly Father, and I felt good.

Carston S., age 9, Ohio, USA

I was at gym class, and I saw a boy bully another kid to tears. I told the bully to stop, but he didn’t, so I told the teacher. Later I invited the boy who was bullied to sit with me and my friends at lunch. It feels good to be a friend.

Ethan C., age 8, Washington, USA

I went with my mom and the missionaries. We knocked on a door of a family who was searching for a church to go to. I felt the Spirit tell me that our church is true. I can’t wait until I’m 19 so I can go on a mission!

Sunnie J., age 11, Oklahoma, USA

We love to hike together as sisters. Even if we get mad or our legs get tired, we should still be nice and take care of each other. Jesus taught us to love one another.

Danielle and Jordan P., ages 7 and 5, Utah, USA

On an indoor recess day at school, I offered my friends the Friend magazine to look at. I told them it was a religious magazine that had stories, projects, and games. After we read three issues together, they asked if I had any more I could bring. I hope I have more chances to teach others about the gospel.

Mackenzie K., age 10, Colorado, USA

Standing Tall Footprints

I will stand tall by paying my tithing.

Maryann J., age 5, Utah, USA

I will stand tall by using good language, being a good friend, and being kind.

Eve H., age 6, Hamilton, New Zealand

I will stand tall by obeying my parents more often.

Helena H., age 8, Hamilton, New Zealand

I will stand tall by treating others the way I would like to be treated.

Leea W., age 11, Washington, USA

I stood tall by defending a teacher when some friends were talking bad about this teacher.

Klint B., age 9, Utah, USA

I will stand tall by making my bed without my mom asking me to.

Ashton A., age 6, North Dakota, USA

I will stand tall by helping my mom make cookies in the kitchen!

Beckham A., age 4, North Dakota, USA

Since I joined the Church a year ago I have strived to read my scriptures and pray every day. This has made me happier.

Abraham P., age 11, Arizona, USA
