For Older Kids
January 2017

“For Older Kids,” Friend, January 2017

For Older Kids

For Older Kids

Dear Journal

Write and draw a journal photo of you! What do you look like? Who is your best friend? What’s your favorite scripture? What are you working on right now? Add fun things like tickets, wrappers, or stickers to spice up your page!

Think about It

Elder Quentin L. Cook

“See yourself in the temple.”

—Elder Quentin L. Cook

My family helped a neighbor clear rocks from their yard. It took most of the day. It felt so good helping them that I even mowed their lawn. I know I was touched by the Holy Ghost that day because of how good I felt.

Coda G., age 11, Utah, USA


What can you find at the end of every rainbow? (Answer below.)

My Haiku

A testimony

Is faith in each footstep by

Following Jesus

Jordynn D., age 11, Colorado, USA

Quick Quiz

Who is your favorite scripture hero?

  • Esther

  • Moses

  • Nephi

  • Abish

  • Other ____________________

  • Answer: the letter w
