Question Corner
February 2017

“Question Corner,” Friend, February 2017

Question Corner

Sometimes I get annoyed with my family. What can I do?

Question Corner

Pray to Heavenly Father and ask Him to help you be nice to your family. Hug them.

Noah F., age 10, Queensland, Australia

Giulia: Try to think about all the good times you’ve had with them, and think about how people aren’t perfect.

Bruna: Even if they don’t say sorry, I would forgive them.

Giulia and Bruna R., ages 13 and 8, São Paulo, Brazil

If my little sister is annoying me, I make her bed or make her a treat. I also like to make cards, do extra chores, and say a prayer. I feel the Spirit telling me I did the right thing.

Adeline B., age 9, Tennessee, USA

If you don’t like what they are doing, ask them to stop. I love them because they love me.

Shantal S., age 4, Táchira, Venezuela

Julia: I can be kind to my family, and when I am annoyed, I can tell them that I love them and then be nice. I can follow the Savior and show them love.

Darrin: Just be happy and share with them and serve them.

Julia and Darrin S., ages 8 and 6, New Mexico, USA

I would pray, have family home evenings, and talk to them.

Luisa R., age 9, Baja California, Mexico

Next Question

“I have a sister who is making bad choices. How can I help her?”

Send us your answer and photo by February 28. Email us at friend@ldschurch.org with “Question Corner” in the subject line. Use the permission statement on page 39.

Responses are intended for help and perspective, not as pronouncements of Church doctrine.
