Following Faithful Examples
September 2017

“Following Faithful Examples,” Friend, September 2017

Following Faithful Examples

Elder Ronald A. Rasband likes to remember stories about his ancestors. He likes to think about their faith and their examples.

Elder Rasband’s middle name is Anderson. It helps him remember his mother’s family. His great-great-grandparents were Jens and Ane Cathrine Anderson. They lived in Denmark almost 200 years ago. They learned about the gospel in Denmark and were baptized. In 1862 they traveled to the United States to be with other Latter-day Saints. Jens died on the trip across the ocean, but Ane Cathrine and her son kept going. It was hard, but their faith was strong. They made it all the way to Utah.

Elder Rasband keeps a painting in his office to remind him of his ancestors. The painting shows missionaries teaching people in Denmark when the Church first started there. It reminds Elder Rasband of when his ancestors joined the Church. His family’s faith and sacrifice are good examples to him. Remembering them helps him keep his testimony strong.
