Show and Tell
March 2018

“Show and Tell,” Friend, March 2018

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

The activity-day girls from the Ketchikan Ward, Alaska, USA, made more than 100 hats and headbands for other children in their community. Each one was unique and made with love!

Jesus Christ was kind

Jesus suffered willingly

Jesus saved us all!

Bella G., age 10, Arizona, USA

My favorite part of church is fast and testimony meeting!

Matthew W., age 10, Wisconsin, USA

We made an HLJ (CTR) shield in the sand while we were on holiday!

Sofia, Tomas, and Matias O., ages 12, 4, and 9, Buenos Aires, Argentina

I never met my Grandfather Bruce. But because of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, I know that I will be able to meet him one day.

Jonathan B., age 7, North Carolina, USA

I was swinging on the new saucer swing at school when I flew off. I immediately felt prompted to stay low. I am thankful that I listened to the prompting because if I hadn’t, I would have been hit in the head and hurt. The Holy Ghost protects us when we follow His promptings.

Anastasia C., age 10, Alberta, Canada

When my family was sealed in the temple, we all felt happy because we know we will be an eternal family.

Manuel C., age 9, Santa Ana, El Salvador

We played our violins at the Hill Cumorah Visitors’ Center. We love sharing our testimonies of Jesus through music!

Kaela and Kara S., ages 9 and 8, New York, USA

We made the empty tomb out of play dough. We know that Easter is about Jesus living again.

Adeline, Ian, Allie, and Arianna C., ages 6, 4, 10, and 8, Mississippi, USA
