Show and Tell
September 2018

“Show and Tell,” Friend, September 2018

Show and Tell

a collection of quotes and drawings from kids

Lisa S., age 10, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, always looks for ways to serve at church. She looks for little children who need comfort or those who may feel alone. She passes out hymnbooks so that everyone can sing.

Alfie R., age 12, Somerset, England, always helps out! He filled in for a girl who couldn’t go to the Primary presentation practice. He was a good sport and read her words about wearing a modest dress.

Guess Who? Haiku

I am a leader.

I have two thousand young sons.

My name starts with H.

Emmeline M., age 6, Aomori, Japan

One day I wanted to sit by a bully at school to be friends with her. She yelled at me to go away. I wanted to get her back with my words. But I held my tongue and said, “It’s OK. I’ll sit by someone else.” When I walked away, I felt good for what I did.

Elijah V., age 12, Arizona, USA

After we read a book at school, my teacher wanted to celebrate and have a tea party. It was fun. Then she gave us tea. I thought about the Word of Wisdom, and I said, “No, thank you.” I am happy I chose the right.

Sarah S., age 9, Pennsylvania, USA

I worked really hard to learn the Articles of Faith. I practiced every day by saying them over and over with my family and by listening to the songs in the Children’s Songbook.

Andrew G., age 6, Pennsylvania, USA

I needed some help delivering my school captain speech because I was really nervous. So I said a private prayer. I ended up delivering my speech well and was voted school captain!

Lockyer L., age 11, Queensland, Australia

After watching my five older brothers be baptized, I longed for my baptism day. I felt very happy when it was my turn to make my baptismal covenant!

Juan Jose O., age 8, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

I didn’t want my school photo taken. I cried that morning because I thought the other girls would look prettier than me. They would be wearing dresses, and I didn’t have a school dress. When I got to school, I started feeling sad again. But the Holy Ghost comforted me, and I took a great school photo!

Kate W., age 10, Idaho, USA

Helping cleaning your chores. Helping people that is hurt. Helping people that is poor. Helping! Being!

Lucky and Ellis K., ages 9 and 10, Hawaii, USA

I help lead the music for church and at home for family home evening.

Olivia M., age 9, Lusaka, Zambia
