Show and Tell
October 2018

“Show and Tell,” Friend, October 2018

Show and Tell

collection of quotes and art by children

The Parleys Creek Branch Primary, Utah, USA, went to the open house for the Jordan River Utah Temple. They love to see the temple!

I was in school when I saw a new boy. A few days later, some of my classmates hit him in the hallway. They gave him a black eye. I felt so much pain for what they had done to him. I found out where he lived and offered him my friendship. The gospel teaches us that we should be helpful, and I love that.

Jeshua, age 11, Illinois, USA (please include the star he’s holding in the photo)

We learned all 13 Articles of Faith in Primary! It took us 10 months to memorize them all, but when we did, we got to sing them all straight through in sacrament meeting!

Visalia 1st Ward Primary, California, USA

Before I started kindergarten, I made a goal to learn how to tie my shoes. I practiced every day. Whenever I notice a classmate with untied laces, I offer to help them. I am thankful that I can use my talents to help my friends, like Jesus did.

Creighton D., age 5, Indiana, USA

As soon as I was baptized, my mom helped me log on to FamilySearch, and we discovered that I am related to the first president of the Philippines! During sharing time at school, I shared this discovery. My teacher was amazed how I was able to know that.

Sharmaine S., age 8, Cavite, Philippines

I was in school when I saw a new boy. A few days later, some of my classmates hit him in the hallway. They gave him a black eye. I felt so much pain for what they had done to him. I found out where he lived and offered him my friendship. The gospel teaches us that we should be helpful, and I love that.

Jeshua O., age 11, Illinois, USA

I was trick-or-treating with friends and found $200. I told my mom about it. Later as we were walking down the street, a lady was looking for $200 that she had lost. She was so happy that we found it, and she gave me $10 for being honest. I shared $5 with my friends. I felt warm and happy because I was honest and chose the right.

Leah D., age 6, Kentucky, USA

When I am competing in basketball, I make a special effort to compliment my opponents.

Jonah R., age 12, Missouri, USA

Aurora W., age 10, Utah, USA

One night, my family and I were saying our prayers. I felt a prompting to pray for my Uncle Mark. I didn’t know that he was going to have surgery. I felt a warm feeling inside. A few weeks later, he got better.

Helene L., age 8, Virginia, USA
