Sharing Friendship
November 2018

“Sharing Friendship,” Friend, November 2018

Shine Your Light

Sharing Friendship

From an interview with Linda Davies

pictures of Elenoa and her family

Hi! My name is Elenoa, and I’m from New Zealand. My family and I shine our light by sharing the Friend with our friends!

I Can’t Wait

Every month, my brother and sisters and I can’t wait to get the Friend magazine.

A Friendly Idea

One day my sister Nevaeh asked our mom if she could share the Friend with her friends at school. Our mom said yes. After school Nevaeh told us her friends loved the magazine. Some even wanted a copy of their own!

A Magazine and a Treat

Now each month when my parents go to the temple, they buy extra copies of the Friend at the distribution center. Then we think of friends who haven’t been coming to Primary or aren’t members of the Church. We visit them with the Friend and a treat.

She Can Play It!

One of my sister’s friends, Ally, is learning to play the piano. She loves playing the I Can Play It! songs from the Friend.


My brother Makisig says his friend thinks the Friend is cool, and my friend Abigail loves the Family Night Fun pages, with all the activities and recipes. We all love the Friend!

Sharing the Friend

Is there someone you’d like to share the Friend with? Fill out the form to subscribe!

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The Friend is available each month in Braille, or as a Talking Book, for the visually impaired. For more information, contact Salt Lake Distribution Services, 1-800-537-5971.
