Stop and Flip
May 2019

“Stop and Flip,” Friend, May 2019

Stop and Flip

cartoon of two boys fishing

Illustration by Val Chadwick Bagley

Kindness Garden

I write people nice letters.

Audrey S., age 6, California, USA

I’m kind by helping kids in need.

Rhett B., age 10, Wisconson, USA

I saw someone sit alone at the playground, so I played with them, and I felt good inside. What I learned … when you do good, you feel good too!

Haley P., age 9, Texas, USA

The Last Laugh

I forgot to buy worms. But I figure broccoli has to taste better than worms, so it’s worth a shot!

Hidden CTR Rings

Did you find the rings? Look on pages FJ4, 12, and 32!

How to Write to the Friend

To send us a letter, drawing, poem, or star …

  1. Fill out the form below and send it in with your story or artwork, and include a school picture or other high-resolution photo.

  2. We might edit your submission, and we can’t return it to you.
