Hello from Cambodia!
July 2019

“Hello from Cambodia!” Friend, July 2019

Hello from Cambodia!

pictures from Cambodia

Illustrations by Katie McDee; photographs by Celia Jeffery and James Iliff Jeffery

Hi, I’m Paolo. And this is Margo.

We’re visiting Cambodia. Here’s what we’ve learned!

Cambodia is in Southeast Asia. About 16 million people live there. And half of the country is covered in tropical forests!

Here’s a Cambodian Book of Mormon. The Cambodian language is called Khmer (kuh-mare). Its alphabet has 74 letters—the most of any alphabet in the world!

A Primary girl and a member of her branch are greeting each other. People in Cambodia use their hands to show respect.

Most kids in Cambodia get to school and church by riding a motorcycle with a parent. Or they might take a tuk tuk—a carriage pulled by a motorcycle.

These Church members made a big pot of fish soup to eat together at the stake center between general conference sessions.

Many Primary children in Cambodia are the only Christians at their school. Most people in Cambodia practice a religion called Buddhism. Their religion teaches them to be honest, peaceful, and wise. People from all over the world visit this Buddhist monument.

Last year President Nelson announced that the Church will build a temple in Phnom Penh, the capital city! The temple will help families like this one be sealed together forever.

Thanks for exploring Cambodia with us. See you next time!

Meet some of our friends from Cambodia!

I feel very happy when I obey God.

Sineth B., age 6, Kampong Thom, Cambodia

After I took the discussions with the missionaries at home, I was baptized and I’m so happy!

Sina B., age 8, Kampong Thom, Cambodia

Are you from Cambodia? Write to us! We’d love to hear from you.
