Show and Tell
July 2019

“Show and Tell,” Friend, July 2019

Show and Tell

collection of quotes and drawings from kids


Pioneers were faithful,

Pioneers were true.

Pioneers were courageous,

And I want to be too!

Eve R., age 10, Idaho, USA

I like to give hugs to other people.

Ethan L., age 6, Occitanie, France

When I was little, I was afraid of water. Even though people told me I didn’t need to worry about being baptized, I was scared. The missionaries told me that Jesus Christ was baptized to set an example, and I could feel my fear go away. When I was baptized, I felt a great joy.

Sarah T., age 11, Île de France, France

I had a party to start a marker-recycling program.

Casey K., age 9, Ohio, USA

I like to play with dad.

Jatziel G., age 7, Puerto Rico

I like to help and pray with my brother.

Abnahia G., age 5, Puerto Rico

I help by feeding the chickens and gathering the eggs.

Caleb O., age 7, Ohio, USA

Sometimes at school when I have no work to do, I read the Book of Mormon. When I read it while at school, many kids ask, “What is that?” so I tell them what it is and a little about the gospel. It makes me feel good to share.

Will M., age 12, California, USA

I have a friend who I met at the beach during holiday. Friendship is a wonderful gift from Heavenly Father!

Terezka J., age 6, Zlín Region, Czech Republic

I like doing good deeds for friends, family, and neighbors.

William H., age 11, West Australia, Australia
