“Show and Tell,” Friend, July 2019
Show and Tell
Pioneers were faithful,
Pioneers were true.
Pioneers were courageous,
And I want to be too!
Eve R., age 10, Idaho, USA
I like to give hugs to other people.
Ethan L., age 6, Occitanie, France
When I was little, I was afraid of water. Even though people told me I didn’t need to worry about being baptized, I was scared. The missionaries told me that Jesus Christ was baptized to set an example, and I could feel my fear go away. When I was baptized, I felt a great joy.
Sarah T., age 11, Île de France, France
I had a party to start a marker-recycling program.
Casey K., age 9, Ohio, USA
I like to play with dad.
Jatziel G., age 7, Puerto Rico
I like to help and pray with my brother.
Abnahia G., age 5, Puerto Rico
I help by feeding the chickens and gathering the eggs.
Caleb O., age 7, Ohio, USA
Sometimes at school when I have no work to do, I read the Book of Mormon. When I read it while at school, many kids ask, “What is that?” so I tell them what it is and a little about the gospel. It makes me feel good to share.
Will M., age 12, California, USA
I have a friend who I met at the beach during holiday. Friendship is a wonderful gift from Heavenly Father!
Terezka J., age 6, Zlín Region, Czech Republic
I like doing good deeds for friends, family, and neighbors.
William H., age 11, West Australia, Australia