Show and Tell
October 2019

“Show and Tell,” Friend, October 2019

Show and Tell

drawings of garden objects

I can make bracelets for all of my friends.

Nayeli P., age 7, Utah, USA

I took care of my sister after her surgery.

Viola P., age 11, Washington, USA

When my mom was sad and tired, I told her that she was a child of God and Heavenly Father and Jesus love her and care about her. Then my mom said, “You are right, Emma. I am a child of God.” That made me feel glad.

Emma H., age 10, Idaho, USA

I helped my sister make some puzzles.

Karys W., age 9, Washington, USA

I gave my brother a hug when he was sad.

Ellen S., age 13, Texas, USA

Be a good friend.

Abigail E., age 7, Sololá, Guatemala

I did the dishes.

Helen M., age 8, Utah, USA

I will forgive.

Emmanuel M., age 10, Virginia, USA

I helped my sister feed our guinea pig her medicine.

Clark S., age 11, Arizona, USA

Follow the prophet.

Cannon Q., age 5, Sololá, Guatemala

I take food to the widower next door.

Silas S., age 6, Oregon, USA

I read a book to my mom when she was sick.

Jared C., age 10, Missouri, USA

I brought my sister’s backpack out of the car when she forgot it.

Thatcher E., age 5, Tennessee, USA

I shoveled our neighbor’s driveway.

Hunter T., age 6, Kansas, USA

I made my brother robots to play with.

Cadance E., age 8, Tennessee, USA

I said thank you to the librarian.

Merrick S., age 7, Ohio, USA
