Words Matter
October 2019

“Words Matter,” Friend, October 2019

Words Matter

The words we say make a big difference. Trace your finger along the lines to see how the words you say can make others feel.

a maze to follow between choices and consequences

Illustrations by Thomas S. Child

  • You thanked your dad for making dinner.

    He smiled and looked very happy.

  • You said, “I love you,” to your sister.

    She felt cared for and important.

  • You spread rumors about Mitch to your other friends.

    He sat alone at lunch. He felt sad and lonely.

  • You told a mean joke about Zane. Then you laughed and said, “Just kidding.”

    He felt bad about himself and wondered if it was true.

  • You told Lila she did a good job at her soccer game.

    She felt more confident next time she played.

  • You complained when your mom asked you to set the table.

    She felt sad that you didn’t help her.

Words Stick!

Help your family feel loved by sticking kind notes around the house. Cut out the cards or make your own.
