For Older Kids
December 2019

“For Older Kids,” Friend, December 2019

For Older Kids

art challenge

Illustration by


What song do monkeys sing at Christmas?

See answer below.

God’s Amazing World

Did you know?

  • It takes about 8 minutes for the sun’s light to reach us.

  • Lightning comes before thunder because light travels faster than sound.

  • Sound travels faster in water than in air.

Prayer Power

I have some special needs that make it hard for me to control my feelings. I go to therapy. I have been praying for help. The last time I went to a therapy appointment, my dad and I could tell my prayers had worked.

Skye H., age 11, Arizona, USA

Family History Fun

Start a cookbook of family recipes and make one of the recipes together.

Brain Break

Grab a snack, put a blanket on the floor, and have an indoor picnic!

Art Challenge

Draw Mary and baby Jesus from the letter g.

Answer: Jungle Bells!
