Show and Tell
February 2020

“Show and Tell,” Friend, February 2020

Show and Tell

drawings and quotes from kids

Primary children in the San Luis Province, Argentina, practiced for the Primary program and were excited to present it!

I’m Always in God’s Sight

The skies are blue.

The snow is white.

And everything I do

Is in God’s sight.

No matter what others say

During this lovely day,

God knows everything I think and do,

So I’ll do my best to be true.

Esther M., age 9, New York, USA

I felt very happy to enter the waters of baptism. My brother, who served a mission, baptized me!

Astrid V., age 8, Arequipa, Peru

On our way driving home from a swim meet, it was dark and snowing. My mom was worried and asked us to pray. I remembered how Jesus taught us to pray when we need help. So I bowed my head and closed my eyes to pray to get home safely. After I prayed and opened my eyes, I felt a warm feeling in my heart. Then I heard a still, small voice whisper, “Everything will be all right.”

Peichi C., age 10, Massachusetts, USA

We raked leaves and shoveled snow for our elderly friend.

Collin F., age 6, Ohio, USA

There was a boy who was being mean at school. I talked about it with my family. I prayed to Heavenly Father for the boy to find friends and to stop bullying. We soon became friends!

Matias M., age 7, Lithuania

I help my brother with math. I help my dad by caring for him.

George E., age 8, Missouri, USA

I like to invite my friends to come to church or to activities with me.

Jacob K., age 12, New South Wales, Australia

We have family living in Tonga and were sad when a cyclone hit there. We decided to send water purifiers so that they could have clean drinking water. We worked to earn money to send three boxes of purifiers. Our family in Tonga had enough to share with their community.

Christopher and Kalea L., both age 8, Saskatchewan, Canada
