Show and Tell
June 2020

“Show and Tell,” Friend, June 2020

Show and Tell

Product Shot from June 2020 Friend

When I was younger, I had a skin disease. Every day I prayed for Heavenly Father to heal me. I learned to be patient, and after five years I was healed. I know that Heavenly Father hears our prayers.

Juyoung K., age 12, Gyeonggi, South Korea

My dad had a stroke and went to the hospital. He was still in the hospital when I turned eight. I decided to wait until my dad was out of the hospital to be baptized and confirmed. It was one of the happiest days for me.

William M., age 9, Queensland, Australia

My favorite recipe is Grandma Great’s applesauce oatmeal cookies. Grandma Great died and is now with Heavenly Father and Jesus. Mommy and I make these cookies to remember her.

Lydia B., age 5, Texas, USA

My friend’s little sister is afraid of dogs. When some dogs came near us, I shooed them away so she wouldn’t be scared.

Hyrum F., age 7, Maputo, Mozambique

At school, some of the students like scary stories. They told one story to me that really started haunting me at night. One night, I decided to pray to Heavenly Father to keep my mind off it. He helped me sleep every single night. That’s when I realized I can pray to Him anywhere and anytime.

Enerel T., age 11, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

I love playing the cello because when I play good songs, it helps me feel the Spirit.

Michael B., age 10, Michigan, USA

I had a spelling test, and my teacher said I got 100%. My friend looked at my test and told me that one of the words wasn’t right. I told the teacher, so she corrected the score. I felt happy because I was honest.

Eva W., age 8, Minnesota, USA

I remind my family to pray and read the scriptures every night.

Fierston E., age 6, California, USA

I love having pet stick insects. One of them became very sick. I said a prayer that she would recover. The next morning, I looked into her cage, and she was all better. I know Heavenly Father heard my prayer.

Tahnee C., age 8, Wellington, New Zealand

At school, a new kid was in my class. At first I went with the crowd and bullied him. I talked to my parents, and they told me that I should change. The next day I played with him. Now we are friends. It’s better to help people than to bully them.

Miles G., age 10, Utah, USA

Libby B., age 8, Iowa, USA

Miguel T., age 7, Nuevo León, Mexico

Alexia W., age 10, Heredia, Costa Rica

Andrew R., age 8, Texas, USA
