Testimony and the Book of Mormon
June 2020

“Testimony and the Book of Mormon,” Friend, June 2020

From the First Presidency

Testimony and the Book of Mormon

Adapted from “The Book of Mormon as a Personal Guide,” Ensign, Sept. 2010, 4–6.

Product Shot from June 2020 Friend

Illustrations by Beth M. Whittaker

Each time I read even a few lines in the Book of Mormon,

I feel my testimony strengthened

that the book is true,

that Jesus is the Christ, and

that we can follow Him home.

It has been for me the book of books.

It is the word of God.

I Feel the Holy Ghost When …

I pray to Heavenly Father.

I think about the temple.

I help others.

When have you felt a testimony from the Holy Ghost?

A Testimony of Your Own

A testimony is a good feeling from the Holy Ghost telling you that something is true. You aren’t too young to have a testimony. Cut out the strips and put them in a bowl or jar so you can choose one each day. When you feel a testimony in your heart, tell someone about it!

  • Sing “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (Children’s Songbook, 74–75).

  • Sing “Gethsemane” (Friend, Mar. 2018, 28–29).

  • Look at a picture of the temple.

  • Listen to a talk by President Russell M. Nelson.

  • Look at a picture of Jesus, or watch a Bible video about Him.

  • Pray to Heavenly Father and listen for feelings from the Holy Ghost.

  • “Feast upon the words of Christ; … the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do” (2 Nephi 32:3).