Show and Tell
August 2020

“Show and Tell,” Friend, August 2020

Show and Tell

Friend Magazine, 2020/08 Aug

These Primary children in Cebu, Philippines, are learning that when they strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ, they are moving forward along the covenant path.

I lost my brother’s jacket when my family went on a walk. We prayed that Heavenly Father would help us find it. We felt that we should take the same walk again. We found his jacket! This helped me realize that everything in my life is important to Heavenly Father and He is always ready to help me.

Timothy M., age 8, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine

We listened to Jesus’s parable of the sower and then planted sunflower seeds. It’s not very hot or sunny where we live, so we were excited when the seeds pushed through the soil. The plants got taller and taller until they bloomed, just like the seeds in Jesus’s story!

Magnus K., Islay S., Louis S., Sylvie K., Greta K., and Sibyl S., ages 7, 9, 6, 1, 5, and 4, Renfrewshire, Scotland

One day I hope to be a missionary so I can teach others about Heavenly Father’s love.

James B., age 7, Gauteng, South Africa

I helped clean up debris from flooding with other members of our stake. I will always remember this because it made me feel so good inside. I love to serve!

Capri P., age 8, Nebraska, USA

I try to be like Jesus by loving, serving, and forgiving others.

Grace M., age 6, California, USA

We had to evacuate our home due to fires. I had just adopted my pet bunny, Honey. I was so happy to have her safe with me.

Baylee T., age 10, California, USA

I was excited and nervous about becoming a deacon. When they announced the youth would be going to the temple for baptisms, I thought I would mess up since it was my first time. But when we walked in, it was quiet and everyone was happy. I’m excited for the next temple trip!

Willy C., age 12, Pennsylvania, USA

Someone showed me a bad video. That night I couldn’t get the video out of my head. I talked to my mom, and she told me to say a prayer to ask for help to forget it. Soon, I was able to fall asleep and not think of the video again. I am thankful I can talk to my Heavenly Father whenever I need help.

Boston B., age 10, Colorado, USA
