Friends by Mail
September 2020

“Friends by Mail,” Friend, September 2020

Friends by Mail

Friend Magazine, 2020/09 Sept

Lemonade and the Friend

It is very hot in the summer where I live. I like it when my mom and I drink lemonade and read the Friend together!

Nathan N., age 5, Nevada, USA

Kindness Counts Challenge

We read the story “A Kind Primary Class” (Feb. 2020) and came up with our own kindness tips. Here are a few: If there’s a new kid at school, offer to show them around and introduce them to your other friends. Share things about yourself so they get to know you, and ask questions about them.

Thomas, Jonny, Owen, Emaline, and Henry M., ages 12, 10, 4, 5, and 8, Ohio, USA

Staying Healthy and Safe

I have been to church to take the sacrament with my mask. I had to get used to seeing everyone covered up, but I’m so glad to do my part to help others stay healthy and safe and protect myself as well. It’s part of loving one another.

Violet C., age 11, Utah, USA

Dear Friends,

This month’s issue is about showing love to our families. On page 2, find out what President Eyring learned after he caught his son jumping on the bed! Then read about a boy who showed love when his younger brother had a hard time going to sleep (page 14). And on page 24, you can find a message to remind you of the family you’ll always be part of—our heavenly family.

We’re glad you’re part of our family!

The Friend

P.S. Write to tell us what your family means to you.

Standards Search!

Can you find a story about someone being baptized?

I found it! Page_______.

Bonus challenge! Memorize this month’s standard: “I will remember my baptismal covenant and listen to the Holy Ghost” (Children’s Guidebook, 63).
