Saying No, Hearing No
October 2020

“Saying No, Hearing No,” Friend, October 2020

Saying No, Hearing No

Friend Magazine, 2020/10 Oct

Illustrations by Alyssa Tallent

Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to be safe! Saying no when we need to and respecting others when they tell us no are ways we can keep ourselves and others safe.

Sometimes you need to say no in a nice way.

“No, thank you. May I please have water instead?”

How could you say no in a nice way?

Sometimes you need to say no in a stronger way.

“I don’t want to see that!We shouldn’t be looking at it.”

How could you say no in a stronger way?

Sometimes people tell us no to help us stay safe and healthy.

“Sorry, you can’t go. It’s not safe.”

What should you do when an adult tells you no?

Sometimes people tell us no when they feel uncomfortable.

“Stop! I don’t like this game.”

What should you do when someone asks you to stop?

What if people don’t listen when you say no? What if they hurt you or do something mean?

  • Walk away if you can.

  • Tell an adult you trust about what happened.

  • Remember that it’s not your fault.

  • No matter what happens, know that your Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ always love you!
