undefined undefined Children and Youth Challenge
Children and Youth Challenge
June 2021

“Children and Youth Challenge,” Friend, June 2021


Children and Youth Challenge

Friend Magazine, Global 2021/06 Jun

Do some activities from this board for the Children and Youth program! Can you cross off five in a row? (See the Children’s Guidebook for more ideas).

Go on a walk and notice nature around you.

Clean your room or another place in your home.

Make a list of 20 things you are grateful for.

Set a SOCIAL goal.

Pray for a friend or loved one in need.

Do a simple act of service for a family member.

Write in your journal.

Set a PHYSICAL goal.

Pick an activity for your family to do for Come, Follow Me this week.

Send a thank-you note to someone who has helped you.

Play a game with your family.

Ask someone to teach you a new skill.


Take a walk and pick up 20 pieces of litter. (Don’t forget to wash your hands after.)

Go through old photos with a family member and share memories.

Try a new fruit or vegetable.

Tell a friend something you admire about them.

Call a grandparent or other relative. Ask questions to learn more about them.

Read a book for 20 minutes.

Set a SPIRITUAL goal.


Do a fun activity with your siblings.

Read your scriptures for 10 minutes.

Learn to make your favorite food.

Exercise for 20 minutes.

Illustrations by Mitch Miller