The Rollins Sisters Save the Day!
June 2021

“The Rollins Sisters Save the Day!” Friend, June 2021

Scripture Stories

The Rollins Sisters Save the Day!

two men printing scripture pages

Jesus Christ told the Prophet Joseph Smith many important things to help us. The Church set up a printing press to print Jesus’s words. That way people would be able to read them.

scripture pages being thrown on street

One day, a group of angry men came. They destroyed the printing press. They threw the pages of the scriptures out into the street.

two girls holding scripture pages

Two sisters named Mary Elizabeth and Caroline Rollins saw what happened. They ran and gathered the pages in their arms.

girls hiding in cornfield

The girls hid in a cornfield until the men left. They had saved the scriptures! Those scriptures later became part of the Doctrine and Covenants.

child and grandma reading scriptures on bus

I can read the scriptures. I can be brave and stand up for what I believe.

Illustrations by Apryl Stott
