A Book about Me
November 2021

“A Book about Me,” Friend, November 2021

A Book about Me

Cut out and put these pages together to make a book! You can add pictures of it at FamilySearch.org/memories.

booklet for children to fill in and cut out

My Story



Draw or glue a picture of yourself here.

My Favorites

Favorite food:

Favorite song:

Favorite thing to do:

Where I Live

My country:

My city or town:

What I like best about where I live:

My Talents

I am good at:

I am learning:

My Family

My family members:

Draw your family or glue a picture of them here.

Family Traditions

A food we like to eat:

A holiday we celebrate:

Something we like to do together:

My Family Hero

Someone I admire:

Why I admire them:

How I can be like them:

The Temple

The nearest temple:

Draw the temple or glue a picture of it here.

Illustrations by Nicole Walkenhorst
