Our Strong Foundation
November 2021

“Our Strong Foundation,” Friend, November 2021

A Conference Message from the Prophet

Our Strong Foundation

Adapted from “The Temple and Your Spiritual Foundation,” Liahona, Nov. 2021.

November 2021 Friend magazine.

The Salt Lake Temple was built more than 100 years ago. The pioneers built it with the tools of that time. It is magnificent. But if we look at the foundation closely, we can see that some stones have been worn down over time. We can also see gaps between stones and some unstable stones.

Engineers, architects, and construction workers are now working to make the temple foundation much stronger. When they finish, the temple will be strong enough to withstand earthquakes and high winds. It will be strong enough to last for many, many years.

We must build the foundation of our lives on the rock of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Then when spiritual earthquakes happen, we will be able to stand strong.

Everything we learn in the temple helps us understand more about Jesus Christ. When your spiritual foundation is built solidly on Jesus Christ, you have no need to fear. You will be strengthened by His power.

Jesus Christ Is My Sure Foundation

coloring page of statue of Jesus

Left: Temple illustration by Bailey Rees; President Nelson photo courtesy of Church News; Right: illustration by Bryan Beach
