Interview a Family Member
November 2021

“Interview a Family Member,” Friend, November 2021

My Story

Interview a Family Member

Today you get to be a reporter, a detective, and a historian! Learning about your family helps you understand where you came from. So grab a recorder or a pen and paper and ask a relative some questions.

  1. Image
    boy and girl playing soccer together

    What were you like as a child?

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    What were some of your favorite songs and types of music? Are they the same now?

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    thumbs up

    What do you admire most about your parents?

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    two arrows coming together

    What is one thing you and I have in common?

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    dinnerplate with fish

    What was a normal family dinner like growing up? What were some of your favorite foods?

  6. Image
    girl reading scriptures

    What is one scripture that helped you?

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    What world events had the most impact on you as a child?

  8. Image
    briefcase with papers

    What is your job and how did you choose it?

November 2021 Friend magazine.

Illustration by Mitch Miller
