Technology Tips
March 2022

“Technology Tips,” Friend, March 2022

Technology Tips

pictures of kids playing outside and on a phone screen
  • Focus on the good. We can use technology in lots of good ways—like to learn a new skill or visit with friends. Set a goal and use technology to help.

  • Have a purpose. Ask a parent before you get on a tablet, computer, or phone, and make sure you have a reason. If you don’t, think of something else to do.

  • Set a timer. Before you use any media, decide ahead of time how long you’ll use it.

  • Use technology with care. Heavenly Father wants us to fill our minds with good things. Ask yourself, “Does this help me do and feel good?” If not, turn it off.

  • Put people first. When you are with other people, give them your full attention. Don’t use your phone or other technology when someone is talking to you.

Illustration by Mitch Miller
